Fishery: The final seminar of the project "Towards length-optimised fishing" - Phase 1

Author: BalticSea2020
Year published: 2014

On December 13, 2013 the project "Towards length-optimised fishing in the Baltic Sea" held a final seminar of the results from phase 1. It was mainly the results of the biological studies that attracted attention.

The project started in early 2013 and aims to develop fishing practices that allow the cod to grow to a larger size and demonstrate that these methods are practically applicable to normal activities. The results from phase 1 showed that although the stock of cod in the eastern Baltic Sea is large and is on the so-called Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) the cod is both skinny, small and grows poorly. Over 90% of the stock is less than the length it is allowed to be fished (38cm).

The results suggest that this situation is the result of a long time fishing of only the large individuals, but also to the spread of anoxic bottoms in the Baltic Sea seems to have an unexpectedly large impact on the cod. This means that the project's original idea that the fisherman will help to improve stocks by only fish large individuals probably needs to be revised.

The project will now consider how to move forward.

For more information on "Towards length-optimised fishing in the Baltic Sea", click here. The project is lead by Staffan Larsson, Sveriges Torskfiskares Producentorganisation (STPO).