The establishment of a Marine Stewardship Council in the Baltic region II

Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), was founded in 1997. The aim was to establish credible certification of fish and fish that can easily show consumers which fish that are legally caught, of sustainable and well-managed stocks. BalticSea2020 is the main funders of the establishment of the MSC in the Baltic region.

In 2009 BalticSea2020 granted support to the establishment of an MSC office in the Baltic Sea region. MSC will raise awareness about environmental labeling among the Baltic Sea countries' consumers. Furthermore, the project is working actively to promote that all major fisheries in the Baltic Sea area will be certified according to MSC’s criteria and that labeled products will be available in stores.

In 2013 MSC has developed its activity around the Baltic Sea with focus on Poland. With 40 million inhabitants and large cod fishing in the Baltic Sea, Poland is an important country for the MSC to be present in. The aim is to contribute to a more sustainable fishing industry and increase Polish consumers to buy seafood that is sustainably caught. MSC's involvement in Poland is made possible by support from the Foundation BalticSea2020.

MSC’s communication raises awareness among consumers and producers on sustainable fisheries by putting their blue eco-label on such products. MSC works with some of the world's leading stakeholders such as producers of seafood products as well as with retailers to help them meet customer expectations and increase their range of sustainably caught seafood. MSC has since 1997 been active in many sea areas but not in the Baltic Sea region, until now.

The aim is to accelerate the introduction of the MSC certification and eco-labeling in the entire Baltic Sea region. From the office in Stockholm MSC provides services to fishermen and fishing industries in Sweden, Denmark and northern Germany. MSC fishery certification and eco-labeling program makes it possible for the fishing industry in the Baltic region to show that it lives up to the global marine sustainability requirements. The goal is to achieve viable and sustainable fish stocks and to restore a balanced fish population. MSC’s program also ensures that the fishing industry is acting in accordance with the guidelines for international "best practice" as defined by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization.


Project status

Start: 2013-02-12
End: 2016-09-30


Project manager

Minna Epps, MSC



2016-10-10 - Article
Six years with the MSC
2013-11-20 - Press release
Polish cod fishers break new ground with MSC
2010-03-29 - Press release
A Sustainable Baltic Cod Fishery within 3 years?
2010-03-29 - Press release
Sustainable fishing and environmental improvements in the Baltic Sea boosted